Weeknotes 2023.46

It’s been a while since I have posted, but for good reason: I started a part-time job to support my income. This job is decidedly outside of IT, product development and organisational innovation. I’m still getting used to the schedule and the physically demanding nature of it.

So while I have not been able to post much of anything, I focused on other areas to make progress.

Backstage there have been quite a few improvements that only some people care about. I adopted WebC, since it allows me to author even more fluidly in HTML (yes, I’m one of those). Secondly, I started adopting Open Props as well. I will have a post about both as soon as the transition is finished.

Since this is the first update of its kind, some links might be older, but still relevant.


Microsoft and Google have announced that they assume liability for the content generated from their AI tools. This is for sure a step to help adoption in some environments.

The AI bill of materials is the answer to some regulatory questions. It’s telling that we’re only at a proposal stage here, while the industry is steaming ahead without it.


Douglas Crockford, the creator of JSON and author of “JavaScript: The Good Parts” has released a programming language called Misty or rather, the spec of it.

Oh yeah, a discussion about HTTP verbs. Are you team “POST/GET everything” or team “use PUT/PATCH/DELETE as intended”? The thing is you find valid arguments on both sides. PUT/PATCH/DELETE are just special cases of POST, often used in confusing ways and with pedantic differences. Sometimes a POST request to a different URL or with the specific operation in the request payload provides a better developer experience — the security arguments against it are flawed in my opinion.

Open Source software (OSS) comes under fire from multiple sides, be it license changes towards “Open Source Non-Commercial” licenses or European regulations in the Cyber Resilience Act. Since so many things and business rely on OSS these days and we already have a misbalance of companies using vs. companies contributing (financially) to OSS, the liability clauses in the CRA will tip this even further that the results are hard to contemplate.

I started to give the Arc browser a try. The reason is their work on bringing Swift to Windows. While I’m not using Windows, I welcome spreading the love of Swift.


Mozilla has tested the privacy of connected cars and the results are… appalling yet no surprise if you know a thing or two about how automotive companies are usually doing software development.


I already posted a snarky remark about the HTTP/2 vulnerability. Ars has a good explanation for what’s going on.

That's it for this week. Please let me know if this was of value to you!